A Tempo, Arts i Formació

We collaborate with A Tempo, Arts i Formació, an educational project promoted by La Ciutat Invisible Foundation and the performance arts festival Temporada Alta, with the aim of developing critical thinking in the population so that they can actively participate in the region’s cultural life.

  • The project is comprised of activities that generate cultural experiences aimed at students, scheduling activities in and out of the classroom, during school hours and for free, as well as training programmes that create meeting places and facilitate the exchange of knowledge, tools and resources for professionals in the arts and education. The first edition of the Training seminar for teachers, artistic educators and cultural agents in Andalusia took place in January 2022. This seminar is aimed at teachers, artistic educators and cultural agents linked to training programmes in the region, where new ways of thinking about current education and of transforming learning processes are proposed from the cross-cutting perspective of the arts. It is a three-day seminar with a total of 15 in-person training hours, which include a keynote speech, four artistic workshops on dance, theatre, music and digital culture and four group working sessions with the support of a cultural mediator, who is in charge of guiding participants so they can integrate the skills learned in their professional careers.