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‘Weegee by Weegee’, an exhibition by the famous chronicler of 30’s and 40’s New York.

Until November 5th, Fundación Foto Colectania is hosting the exhibition ‘Weegee by Weegee’, co-produced by Banco Sabadell Foundation, which includes more than 100 photographs by the graphic reporter who was published in all of the mainstream newspapers and turned crime into spectacle in 30’s and 40’s New York. The images come from the collection by Michel and Michèle Auer, one of the most important private collecting in the world of photographs by Weegee.

The exhibition is a display of a careful selection of his work, from images of crimes, fires or accidents all the way through to social and popular events, such as agglomerations on Coney Island beaches or in other recreational and leisure areas frequented by New Yorkers during that period. Furthermore, the author’s photographers are also displayed, together with his most famous photobooks such as the original edition of ‘Naked City’, which was published in 1945 and which was instantly a best seller.

Multitud en Coney Island, 1940. © Weegee / International Center of Photography / Cortesía Colección M. + M. Auer

More information about Weegee

Weegee, which is the pseudonym of Arthur Fellig, had an unsettled life. He moved between the police and the mafia, and he was always aware of the quality of the work he was producing, which is perhaps why he signed all of his photographs as “Weegee The Famous”.

He was always alert, he carried a radio which was synthesised with the police frequency which meant that he could be the first one at the crime scene. His technique, comprised of harsh backlighting, gave his photos an aura of verism and dramatism which continues impacting the viewer. Almost a century since he took his first few photos, Weegee’s photographs still move the public as well as critics, thanks to his raw and dramatic style which reflected society and the night life of a city which he knew better than anybody.