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Annual Report 2023

We believe in people and in their sensitivity towards each other as a collective, and we work together, creating synergies and alliances. We are driven by social impact and we promote training and research in the fields of science, economics and culture. This report is intended to serve as a useful instrument that explains the activities promoted by the Foundation in 2022, always remaining true to our mission.

Download the 2023 Annual Report
Culture and the Arts
Research and Education
Corporate volunteering

The Banco Sabadell Foundation was set up as a private foundation in 1994 to promote outreach, training and research activities in the educational, scientific and cultural fields, as well as to encourage and support young talent. Since then, we have been working to build a more critical, fairer and more inclusive society through actions and initiatives intended to support culture and the arts, research and education, and in particular promoting young talent and stimulating creativity, knowledge and innovation.

Our goal is to be a catalyst for change, not simply by supporting projects that demonstrate immediate results, but by investing in innovative initiatives with the potential for significant and scalable impact. We believe that true innovation arises at the intersection of ideas, disciplines and origins, and we are dedicated to discovering and supporting ideas and projects that can redefine cultural panoramas and encourage social cohesion.


“A Culture of Talent” is more than just a tagline: it is a guiding philosophy that inspires our work and reflects our commitment to creating a world where talent, in all its forms, is recognised and nurtured, and has the space it needs to flourish. Through our work, we want to inspire others to join us in this transformational endeavour, creating positive change that reaches beyond our immediate sphere of influence. We hope not only to witness the emergence of innovative ideas and talents, but also to play a role in shaping a fairer and more dynamic world, where a culture of talent can thrive.


Sabadell’s Commitment to Sustainability

All of our activities are enshrined within Sabadell’s Commitment to Sustainability, a framework for action that ensures the integration into our strategy of a forward-looking vision in relation to environmental, social and governance (ESG) commitments, that aligns our business objectives with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and that establishes action levers to generate transformation and promotion activities.

With the aim of recognising the best young researcher talent in Spain and highlighting the impact of their lines of research in people’s wellbeing, every year the Banco Sabadell Foundation gives out various awards to celebrate knowledge, innovation and talent in the fields of economics, biomedicine, science and engineering, as well as marine sustainability.


The Banco Sabadell Foundation Award for Economic Research, which receives applications every year since 2002, aims to foster and recognise the work of Spanish researchers in the fields of economic, business and social knowledge, and to contribute to the analysis and creation of new alternatives that promote social welfare.


The Banco Sabadell Foundation Award for Biomedical Research recognises the excellence of young scientists with an outstanding track record in the fields of biomedicine and health sciences who stand out in their respective specialties for their ability to innovate.


The Banco Sabadell Foundation Award for Sciences and Engineering, organised together with the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST), recognises the work of young researchers who stand out in the fields of mathematics, chemistry, physics and engineering.


The Banco Sabadell Foundation Award for Marine Sustainability recognises the work of Spanish scientists in the fields of marine environmental regeneration and the sustainable use of its resources and, specifically, those research works that provide tangible evidence of their applicability and impact.

We believe that culture and the arts are instruments that transform and positively contribute to society’s wellbeing. By promoting culture and the arts, we give opportunities to young talented people so they can develop their skills. We take culture to various audiences around the country by supporting the Foundation’s own programmes and those run in collaboration with leading institutions. We also foster creativity and innovation as tools to inspire society.

We support research and education through the generation of opportunities and initiatives that encourage the training and promotion of young talent, with the aim of advancing society and making a positive impact. By promoting research and education, the Foundation makes a positive impact in society’s future
and in its ability to find solutions to challenges, contributes to boosting the growth of the nation, by increasing productivity, creativity and innovation, and creates learning opportunities as well as fosters
people’s talent to facilitate access to the job market.

Banco Sabadell’s commitment to its Foundation extends to its employees, who contribute to the social programmes that we support. Their contributions are key, since they positively impact people and shape our purpose of building a fairer and more diverse society.














  •  Training seminar in arts and education in Seville (A Tempo Arts i Formació – Fundació La Ciutat Invisible)

  • City and Science Biennial 2023 in collaboration with Círculo de Bellas Artes
    (Madrid and Barcelona)
  • PUBLICA23: Forums for culture professionals
    (Fundación Contemporánea)
  • Foro Fundamental, a talent and employment forum at the University of Vigo
  • Festival Emergents – L’Auditori

  • Art and Social Impact Hackathon: a Banco Sabadell Foundation initiative led by U4IMPACT and held
    at Círculo de Bellas Artes
  • Start of the 3rd edition of the Crescendo programme at Teatro Real
  • Start of the 7th edition of the B-Value programme

  • Hypatia I mission: female crew
    selected to carry out an analogue
    mission to the Mars Desert
    Research Station (USA)

  • SumArte: a space for co-creation at Gran Teatre del Liceu with organisations involved in the field of music with which the Banco Sabadell Foundation
  • ‘Imagining a more humanistic future’ conversation at MACBA (Barcelona) – Hay Festival al MACBA (Barcelona) – Hay Festival

  • Ceremony of the 5th ANFACO & Banco Sabadell Foundation Design Award
  • Decision on the 2023 research grants
  • Basque Environment Ocean Week (Itsasmuseum Bilbao)
  • Talent Tour (Girona) and Cód¡Go! competition awards ceremony (Barcelona) – Fundación Princesa de Girona

  • Awards Ceremony of the 18th edition of the Banco Sabadell Foundation Award for Biomedical
  • Research and of the 7th edition of the Award for Science & Engineering
  • Premiere of ‘(Òh!)pera. Newly created micro-operas’ by Fundació del Gran Teatre del Liceu
  • 11th edition of the Bachcelona
    Festival 2023
  • Closing of Exit Foundation’s
    guidance programme
    (Madrid and Seville) de Fundación
    Exit (Madrid i Sevilla)

  • Schubertiada Festival 2023
  • Bal y Gay Festival (Lugo)
  • San Sebastián Musical Fortnight
  • New artists forum run by Cidade da Cultura de Galicia

  • Start of the mentoring and university talent management programme at Banco Sabadell CCTA and University of Alicante
  • Oral presentation and defence of projects of the 3rd edition of the Ralbar programme of the University of Leon
  • Hay Festival Segovia 2023

  • Ceremony of the 22nd Banco Sabadell Foundation Award for Economic Research
  • Hay Forum Seville 2023
  • U4Impact’s TalentUO Hackathon at the University of Oviedo

  • Ceremony of the 2nd Banco Sabadell
    Foundation Award for Marine Sustainability
  • Kick-off of World Press Photo 2023
  • Results unveiled for La Movida 2023: 50 proposals to transform art education (KUBBO)
  • Seminar of the series ‘Algorithmic Societies: Ethics and Politics in the Age of Artificial Intelligence’ at CCCB with bursary holders from the ELLIS Alicante Foundation
  • Conversations CIDOB-Banco Sabadell Foundation
  • Award ceremony of the 3rd edition of the Global Talent Programme

  • Demo-Day: final event of the B-Value social leadership programme, in collaboration with the Ship2B Foundation
  • Parc Taulí Scholarship Award Ceremony
  • ESADE Talent Scholarship Award Ceremony
Impact 2023

We are an entity committed to society, institutions, projects and people. For this reason, we work collaboratively, promoting young talent, co-creating projects and fostering alliances, with the aim of promoting a positive impact on society.


Projects in total

    • 5 own projects
    • 161 in collaboration with other organisations



Beneficiaries of awards and bursaries


Banco Sabadell volunteers taking part in social impact programmes

Previous memories
Annual Report 2022
Annual Report 2021
Annual Report 2020
Annual Report 2019
Annual Report 2018
Annual Report 2017
Annual Report 2016