Formed of 42 stages, from Híguer Cape all the way to Cap de Creus, Transpirenaica Social Solidaria which is a march in favour of human rights , completes its sixth edition with the participation of more than 400 young persons, of 29 different nationalities, who are facing the risk of exclusion.
Transpirenaica Social Solidaria is an educational project in favour of integration and raising awareness of social inclusion, it is held in the Pyrenees, with participants marching 800km in 42 days. By learning about the skills and values needed in the mountains, it is possible to create synergies between all participants, thus encouraging social cohesion amongst them all. The challenge is to train and develop the talent of these young persons.
Through this experience young people, teachers, professionals and companies can open up the door to other realities and develop values such as comradeship, team work and leadership whilst they enjoy an unforgettable experience. Although the march lasts for 42 days, only 8 participants have completed the full march. The majority of the young people and the volunteers participate during a week, and others participate for 2, 3 or 4 days.