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Schedule for the weekend of 28th April: photo-journalism, contemporary art, music and digital innovation

This weekend, Barcelona will be the stage for displaying the best of photo-journalism, with the exhibition World Press Photo 2017, which will be open to the public from Saturday 29th April at the Barcelona Centre of Contemporary Culture (CCCB). Also in Barcelona, why not visit the exhibitions ‘Self-organisation’ at the  Joan Miró Foundation, which reflects on contemporary art and the concept of DIY (do it yourself), and the ‘Photobook Phenomenon’ exhibition at the headquarters of the Foto Colectania Foundation.

In Madrid, students taking part in the Musical Entrepreneurship and Innovation programme at the Reina Sofía School of Music will bring you, on Saturday at the Museo del Traje, a concert called ‘Partituras y Patrones’ (‘Scores and Patterns’) in 3 of the museum’s galleries with period pianos and outfits.

Another of our cultural recommendations for this weekend is to find out the answer to the question, how is the information explosion transforming our world?, with the ‘Big Bang Data’ exhibition at the DOX Centre for Contemporary Art, which reaches Prague after being held in Barcelona, Madrid, Buenos Aires, London and Singapore.

In Galicia, you can visit the exhibition ‘Da árbore á cadeira’ at the Centro Gaiás Museum of the Cidade da Cultura which will take you on an emotional journey from the raw material to the product, from wood to furniture.