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‘Plural being: I am the others, the others are me’, addresses the human condition in a hyperconnected era

The Joan Miró Foundation is the venue for the new cycle of exhibitions ‘One foot out. Expeditions and Diasporas’ at the Espai 13, which will be open until September 2017, with the collaboration of the Banco Sabadell Foundation. The programme seeks to reflect matters such as a sense of belonging, continuity and the rupture of the current model in the Barcelona art scene.

This new exhibition ‘Plural being: I am the others, the others are me’, by Momu & No Es, is a virtual installation which examines the symbolic dimension of places that form part of our daily routines. This artistic duo recreates a phantomscape which questions social roles and rules that have been established in order to propose other possible alternatives to subvert reality.


Imagen de la exposición Ser plural. Yo soy los otros, los otros son yo de Momu&No Es en el Espai 13. Foto Pere Pratdesaba © Fundació Joan MiróUsing personal space and the body as a testing ground, the exhibition examines the delicate balance between tangible and virtual identities of individuals in today’s digital society.

In the centre of the exhibition hall, there are two large-scale works of art which reflect on the mechanism of promises, sacrifice and rewards in today’s society: I believe there are supernatural things that happen is a golden wall of artificial illusions which is the backdrop for the brace brace necklace, a giant Hawaiian lei which, apart from its original meaning, becomes a symbol of the promised land as part of the model of alienating tourism. Next to it is the artwork The Austerity of Imagination, which shows a man waiting in an airport with a suitcase that has his own photo imprinted on it, a real-life meme which plays with the concept of going viral.


Imagen de la exposición Ser plural. Yo soy los otros, los otros son yo de Momu&No Es en el Espai 13. Foto Pere Pratdesaba © Fundació Joan Miró 

More about the Espai 13 programme

Until September 2017, you can visit and take part in the different events taking place during the programme:

-Eva Fàbregas (from 16/2017 to 30/2017): this artist from Barcelona contributes to this programme with a project based on the dislocation of commonly used marketing techniques which allow social habits to be activated.

-Adrià Julià (from 11/2017 to 02/2017): in May, this artist shares his audio-visual research on global dynamics based on apparently isolated events that end up being inter-related.

-Martin Llavaneras (from 13/2016 to 11/2017): this artist from Lleida will close the programme with his work which juxtaposes well-established ideas such as the concepts of nature, landscape and wealth, whilst offering a more subjective interpretation of the environment.