Creativity, new formats and innovation. These are just some of the ingredients which made up the finalist projects in the sixth edition of the Pública 16 10×10 Innovación en Cultura, organised by the Contemporary Foundation and with major support from Banco Sabadell Foundation. The awards are a meeting and exchange of experience for all cultural professionals, where through 10×10 Innovation in Culture, to the most innovative ideas are supported, offering assessment, workshops, networking and exposure.
The five winning projects were EMA Festival, a proposal to tailor musical language to its setting, through new formats, new spaces and new ways of diffusion, as Celia Zaragoza, cultural manager highlighted, “Its all about creating a festival for the people of our time, we want to bring music closer to everybody.”
Creador.es, are theatre companies dedicated to dramaturgical creation and exchange through the meeting of Spanish and Iberamerican creators, which translates into a project which fights for “being together in order to create processes”, explains Gabriel Ochoa, artistic director.
Another one of the winners was DaLaNota, an educational project which promotes creativity and sensitivity via learning music in order to “complement the educational system, promoting a cultural interest in low income families”, explains Beatriz Pedro- Viaje, academic coordinator.
Festival Russafa Escénica was another award winner for their work in fusing Performing Arts with Fine Art, as highlighted by María José Mora, production manager; it’s about a festival with a “seal of quality from which seven productions are already being shown in theatres in Valencia”.
Lastly, Pedro Herranz, presented Un Pedregal sin Oportunidades, a cultural project which fights against the depopulation of this smallvillage in the province of Guadalajara, with barely 84 inhabitants. His aim is to fight against depopulation through culture, outdoor museums, and places for young talented people, courses, workshops and festivals…