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B-Value, new transformation programme for innovative social institutions

Fundación Ship2B together with Banco Sabadell Foundation are launching B-Value, a transformation program for not for profit social institutions who have an innovative project which they would like to implement from scratch, or rethink. The aim of this new initiative is to help the institutions to define their value proposals and business models with a social impact, to improve their communication and establish strategic alliances with a shared value, to ensure that they are social organisations which are more innovative and evolve towards new models of sustainability.

The call opens in November and those selected will participate in an online phase between January and April 2017, after which the judges will select 10 finalists with whom they will work closely with during an intensive and on-site week in Barcelona from May to June. Lastly, the finalists will receive support to launch a crowd funding campaign which will allow them to share and validated their proposal.

If you would like to attend the B-Value presentation in Barcelona, you can register by clicking here and if you would like to attend the presentation in Madrid, click here.


Who is B-Value aimed at?

The programme is looking for not for profit institutions throughout Spain, whether they are associations or foundations, they must be involved in helping any type of disadvantaged group in any area- They must be able to spend time on improving their value proposal, and have a preliminary idea of the project they would like to work on.

Advantages of B-Value

B-Value means it is possible to validate the proposals set out by entities, making available to them a community of mentors and experts who will help them to validate their project, as well as a crowd funding campaign to launch their project in the market.

Furthermore, they could have the opportunity to establish strategic alliances with companies, public and/or private institutions and funding institutions who will help them to implement and speed up their project.

Another of the advantages of B-Value is the visibility of the project through the distribution channels of Ship2B and the preparation of a joint press strategy. Lastly, funding, exploring ways of generating income, launching a crowd funding campaign and accessing financial support.