Last weekend of the World Press Photo Madrid in the headquarters of the Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid (COAM). This exhibition shows us the key events of 2015 through 155 photos.

The main event taking place today, Friday, is in Barcelona, at the Teatro Nacional de Catalunya (TNC) with the play ‘Llull en la Ciudad Nueva’, a social project which the Foundation has supported.
Also in theatre, another cultural event that you shouldn’t miss is taking place in the Teatre Lliure in Montjuïc with ‘In Memoriam. La quinta del biberó’ presented by La Kompanyia Lliure, which plays homage to the young recruits who fought for the second Republic at the end of the Spanish Civil War. You can watch the play until 13 November.
Tomorrow, Saturday, why not see Mozart’s opera ‘Don Giovanni’, brought to you thanks to the Asociación de Amigos de la Ópera de Sabadell.
Our musical recommendation comes to you from the International Festival Orgues de Poblet, with a concert by Yves Rechsteiner at 20:30hrs.
And for those of you who prefer exhibitions, we recommend ‘Yo quería ser fotógrafo’ (I wanted to be a photographer) in the headquarters of Foto Colectania, where you can see 11 projects which will make you reflect on the role of photography in today’s world; Espai 13 in the Joan Miró Foundation, where you can see the exhibition ‘La ficción es una realidad por suceder’ (Fiction is reality waiting to happen) by Ana Garcia-Pineda, which opens the cycle ‘Pie fuera. Expediciones y diásporas’ (One foot outside. Expeditions and diasporas); and the exhibition ‘Ramón Llull. La máquina de pensar’ (Ramon Llull. The thinking machine) at the Barcelona Centre for Contemporary Culture.