One of our proposals is for tomorrow, Saturday 15 July at 19h at Las Cigarreras Centro Cultural de Alicante, where you can visit the artistic intervention ‘Shoot em up’ during the A Quemarropa residences, in which 10 young contemporary creators are participating.
Also taking place in Alicante this weekend is the music festival ‘Geografía’ which is offering two concerts at the Auditorio de la Diputación de Alicante (ADDA): tomorrow, Saturday, at 22h Antonio Serrano and David de Jacoba, ‘BVR Flamenco Big Band’ will be performing, and on Sunday 16th July at 22h guitarist John Scofield will be performing.
In Galicia the ‘Da árbore á cadeira’ exhibition at the Museo Centro Gaiás, Cidade da Cultura is still open. It is divided into four themes: design, industry, natural heritage and art relating to furniture design and the industrialisation process of the timber industry.
Another recommendable exhibition is ‘Weegee by Weegee’, which includes more than 100 famous photographs by the famous chronicler of 30’s and 40’s New York. It can be visited at the headquarters of Fundación Foto Colectania in Barcelona.
Multitut a Coney Island, 1940. © Weegee / International Center of Photography / Cortesia Col·lecció M. + M. AuerLastly, in Prague you can visit ‘Big Bang Data’ at DOX Centro de Arte Contemporáneo. It is an exhibition which reflects on how the explosion of information is transforming the world.