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Schedule for weekend of 12 May: guided tours to get the inside information behind exhibitions

For example, why not visit the ‘Self-Organisation’ exhibition at the Joan Miró Foundation? Tomorrow, Saturday 13th, you will be able to go on a free visit at 11:00, where you will go through the exhibition while building a dialogue between the tour guide and the viewers, forming and sharing opinions and points of view about the exhibition. This exhibition reflects on contemporary art in four spaces which give a historical perspective of different proposals related to DIY (do-it-yourself) practices.


Another exhibition which also offers activities that run in parallel to the exhibition to provide you with more in-depth knowledge is World Press Photo 2017, which you can visit at the Barcelona Centre for Contemporary Culture (CCCB). Once again this year, every Friday at 14:00 you will have the chance to go on a guided tour led by experts in the analysis of visual language, who will explain the tools that can help us to understand images in all of their complexity and to better understand the nature of the competition.


And finally, in Galicia, we recommend a visit to the Centro Gaiás Museum in the Cidade da Cultura to see the exhibition ‘Da árbore á cadeira’, which is divided into four themes: design, industry, cultural heritage and art, and these are used to focus on the design of furniture and the industrialisation of the Galician woodwork and furniture industry, and on the natural environment from which the raw material is extracted: woodlands.
