More than 15 companies have participated in the 21st edition of Coach Exit in Madrid, hosted by the Exit Foundation with the objective of improving the employability of young people aged between 16 and 19, who are in socially vulnerable situations, through coaching and mentoring, with corporate volunteers in different companies, including Banco Sabadell. On Thursday, 14 December, the evaluation session was carried out with the special collaboration of Banco Sabadell Foundation. It was a closing session in which two corporate volunteers, young persons and tutors of social and educational institutions shared their experiences and objectives established in the project.
More information about Coach Exit.
The Coach Project is a corporate volunteering initiative aimed at socially responsible companies who seek to improve the integration of young people in vulnerable situations into the world of work, by offering them guidance and motivation so that they continue their training and improve their employment prospects.
Since 2008, the year in which the Coach Project was launched, 66 editions have already been carried out, with the participation of 2,533 volunteers, 2,240 young people, 115 companies, 128 social and educational institutions in 8 cities: Madrid, Barcelona, Seville, Palma de Mallorca, Valencia, Zaragoza, Alicante and Lleida. After participating in the project, 81% of the young persons passed their courses, and 93% said that they wished to continue their training in order to find a job in the future.