We can now unveil the 40 social entities that have been selected to participate in the 8th edition of B-Value, the social innovation programme aimed at third sector leaders working in non-profit organisations based in Spain, to help them develop their leadership skills and drive their projects forward from a strategic and innovative perspective that enables them to strengthen their value proposition and step away from traditional philanthropic schemes.
The first phase of the programme, in which 40 entities will participate, started on 11 March 2024 and is aim is to provide the tools to boost the impact, innovation, teamwork and the potential business model of their projects. Through training webinars and in-person sessions, access to key knowledge areas will be offered through intensive and dynamic design thinking and leadership sessions, providing a unique space to exchange ideas and build strong projects with the help of prominent professionals from Banco Sabadell and other sector experts. More specifically, 40 volunteers from the Bank will participate in the programme as mentors, bringing the total number of Bank professionals who have taken part as volunteers in B-Value since the launch of the programme in 2017 to close to 300.
In the last edition of B-Value, the entities that took part in this phase of the programme rated the various activities highly, rating the mentorships from Banco Sabadell’s professionals with an 8.96 out of 10, the design thinking workshop with 8.76 and the leadership dynamics workshop with 8.92. Furthermore, 93% of the entities that took part in the first phase saw their expectations exceeded, and 98% would recommend the programme.
Light Humanity, an organisation that took part in the 7th edition, comments: “We take away the clear ideas and the direction of travel. It has helped us to focus on how we can solve our weaknesses to thus move our project forward.”
The entities selected to participate in this 8th edition are the following, according to their scope of activity:
- Childhood: ADS ONGD , Coloria, Fundación Meridional, Mamás en Acción, Nexe Fundació, ZAIN-INFANCIA Y ADOLESCENCIA
- The elderly: Alzheimer León, 55+, Residencia San Jerónimo.
- Social entities/entrepreneurs: AMAFE – Asociación Española de Apoyo en Psicosis, PONGOH, VSF España.
- Cognitive impairment: Asociación de Jóvenes Especiales de Moguer Abriendo Puertas, Convives con Espasticidad, Grupo Social ASPANIAS, Fundación Dalma, Fundación Nemo, ENKI, FUNDACIÓN PEGASUS, Tallers Guinardó.
- Migrants, refugees, asylum seekers: Asociación Karibu, Fundación San Ezequiel Moreno.
- Homelessness: Asociación San Ricardo Pampuri ONG.
- Young people: Associació 7 Estades. Convivència i Desenvolupament Humà, Celera, Fundación Globalis, Plan International España.
- Women: Como Una Cabra, Fundación Serra-Schönthal.
- Low-income families/individuals: Fundació Hàbitat3, Fundació Pare Manel, Nuevo Hogar Betania, enriquezArte, The Last Mile Shoes.
- People with mental illness: FITA Fundación, MEMPLEO.
- Rural/remote areas: Hola Ghana.
- Other: Randstad España, La Niña Amarilla – Asociación para la prevención del suicidio, Suara Cooperativa.
At the end of May, the 10 finalists that will move onto the second stage of the programme will be announced. During this stage, volunteers from Sabadell Seguros will also participate as mentors.
B-Value is promoted by the Ship2B Foundation and the Banco Sabadell Foundation and is co-promoted by the Juan Entrecanales de Azcárate Foundation. It also has the support of Sabadell Seguros, PWC, After, ONCE Foundation and the Joaquim Molins Figueras Foundation as strategic partners, as well as the Hazloposible Foundation, Salto con Red, Asociación Española de Fundaciones, Fundación Lealtad and Coordinadora Catalana de Fundaciones as collaborating institutions.