Factoría Cultural, Vivero de Industrias Culturales at Matadero Madrid, is organising, for the third time, together with Banco Sabadell Foundation, a series of conferencies which will take place on the first Thursday of each month throughout 2017, from 19.30 onwards. In the previous edition, more than 2,400 persons participated.
Under the name Foro de Expertos, the aim is to contribute to training and young talent through displaying and sharing professional experiences and success stories at institutions and prestigious entities in the public and private sector. All of the sessions are free, with prior registration on the website.
The first session will be held this Thursday, 2nd February, with Fabricio Santos, head of FAB LAB of the Universidad Europea de Madrid. In this opening talk, the architect will share the keys to the functioning of production laboratories, spaces where industrial designers give free reign to their capacity for invention, through the creation of prototypes.
The second session, which will be held on 2nd March, will be run by Rubén Ojeda, Coordinator of the Wikimedia Programmes in Spain, an association for free knowledge, whose aim is to promote collaborative platforms such as Wikipedia, Wikcionario and Wikinoticias.