40 social entities in Spain have been selected to participate in the second edition of B-Value,the social innovation programme we implemented together with Ship2B, to which, this year, PwC Foundation and Aftershare TG are joining as strategic partners.
Over November and December, a total of 70 entities from 9 autonomous communities will submit their candidacy to the programme. The communities which received the most candidacies were Madrid and Catalonia, with 39% and 37% respectively, followed by Valencia with 7%.
The criteria based on which the projects were selected was: social impact (potential degree of transformation of the initiative), innovation (offering new and more efficient solutions to a specific problem), the auto-sensitivity of the project (with the vocation and conviction of being economically sustainable with the objective of guaranteeing its continuity over time) and the entrepreneurial team (the entity’s journey and the capacities and abilities of the implementing team).
This Thursday, 25 January, marks the start of the first phase of B-Value, whereby one of the entities will receive online training on social innovation, methodology for the development and analysis of their project and workshops which cover different relevant topics which will allow participants to receive feedback on their projects and interact amongst themselves and with experts. This initial stage will allow them to specify their proposal, which they will work on over the following months in order to implement it and test their models.
Entities selected
The entities which have been selected are: Fundacion Cadete; Fundació Migra Studium; Fundación Recover, Hospitales Para África; Abrazo Cultural; Fundació Ludàlia; Fundació El Somni Dels Nens; Asociación Yuna; Asociación Experientia; Fundación Scout Griebal; Fundación Doctor Clavel; Fundación Iniciativas El Gigante; Asociación Danza Down; Fundación Plant-For-The-Planet España; Rafiki África; Fundación Real Dreams; Fundació Privada Catalana Comtal; Fundación Esplai – Ciudadanía Comprometida; Woman Forward; Exponential Solidarity; Itwillbe; Associació Escola-Entorn, Educant En Societat; Associació D’Intervencions Assistides Amb Gossos Itacan; Música En Vena; Fundación A La Par; Fundación Agustín Serrate; Calala Fondo De Mujeres; Fundación Síndrome De Down De Madrid; Fundació Nen Déu; Federación Provincial De Asociaciones De Personas Con Discapacidad Física Y Orgánica De Córdoba (Fepamic); Gasol Foundation; Fundación Alentia; Fundación Social District; Fundació La Roda D’Accions Culturals I Del Lleure; Fundación Juan Xxiii Roncalli; Fundación Wassu; Asociación En La Última Fila Por La Equidad Educativa; La Rueca Asociación Social Y Cultural; Cuida La Vida: Associació De Facilitadores Pel Benestar; Fundació Catalana Síndrome De Down; Aires (Asociación Para La Inclusión Residencial Y Social).