A group of experts have been instructing close to 100 people taking part in this programme. One such expert, Juan Miguel Córcoles, who works with the UCAM, employment services to provide job training, defines the programme as “an ideal project which allows those taking part to acquire the necessary resources to detect the skills and abilities that they should focus on in order to achieve their objectives”. In order to do this, Mr Córcoles explains, ‘Journey to talent’ offers “very dynamic classes in which everyone takes part, creating a very relaxed atmosphere in which the participants can feel more comfortable and connected when they get down to work”.
Active workshops
‘Journey to talent’ is based on a series of workshops that allow those taking part to identify their skills, interests and values, as well as identifying the foundations on which to build their career. This allows them to establish a series of short- and long-term objectives.
Participants also receive a book explaining the method behind each of the different stages, explaining how each activity carried out during the program will help them. It serves as a reference manual for the different workshops and also supplements and provides support to ensure the methods used remain current.
The programme also has an IT platform that helps to develop and input the conclusions reached from the different methods used, allowing users to go through the different stages in a structured way. The participants therefore have an ‘agenda’ where they can write down specific actions that will allow them to meet their targets and fulfil their objectives.
What do the participants think?
Elena Galindo Marqués, a student of Architecture at UCAM, says that the programme’s workshops and classes are “very motivational, due to the group and individual activities involved. It is a programme that will help us in the future, and that builds up participants’ self-esteem and allows them to reflect on issues that they don’t generally get around to questioning in their day-to-day life”. She also ensures us that, thanks to ‘Journey to talent’, she has been able to “bring my interests together in a more clearly- defined path, which will help me to avoid leaping into the unknown when it comes to my professional career. With the help from my coach, who has helped guide me on a personal level, and with help from my colleagues in the group activities, I have been able to set myself a series of short- and long-term objectives. I will now do everything I can to achieve them.”
Javier Muelas Riquelme, reading Advertising and Public Relations at UCAM, highlights that “I will apply [everything I have learned in this programme] to all aspects of both my professional and my personal life. I have found things out about myself that I didn’t even know were there. But they are. The idea is to carry on working whilst never losing sight of my professional goals and personal ambitions. At the end of the day, if someone works in a field that they are interested in and that they are passionate about, they are more likely to find happiness”.