The Museo Colonia Vidal, in Berguedà (Barcelona) is organising the IV Jornadas on industrial colonies, with the objective of showing the value of and explaining the potential of colonies. Under the theme “Migrations”, different activities relating to art, gastronomy, heritage and culture are being organised, through which visitors can get to learn more about the industrial development that has taken place in Catalonia throughout its history.
The theme of this edition puts the spotlight on the migrations of different populations, a theme which takes us back into the past and into the present, as there were migratory movements at several different historic moments which have left a lasting impact on many persons, which can be seen through art, social dynamics and brands.
Music, conferences, visits…
During the three days on which the workshops will be held, it is possible to participate in different activities, such as, for example:
-Friday 7, at 19:30h musical session ‘The Emigrant’ where you can hear fragments of operas, symphonies and songs which are related to the theme of the workshops, such as ‘Nabucco’ and ‘Aida’ by Verdi or the ‘Pathétique symphony’ by Txaikovski.
–Saturday 8, at 10h there will be a bus tour of the colonies, the bus will date back to the colonies, and at 18.30 there will be a theatrical visit at the Museum.
-Sunday 9, at 11h there will be a discussion on migrations which have taken place in the past and in the present, with the participation of Anna Cabré i Pla, geographer and lecturer at Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona; Juanjo Mora, son of emigrants to the colonies; Xavi Russinyol, journalist; Isaac Basora, engineer who is an expert in migrations.
Please see the following link for a summary on all of the workshops available…