Until 24 March the -‘MOT Literature Festival’ will be held, a literature festival, which this year, reflects on the commitment of literature based on real-life experiences under the slogan ‘Literatura encarnada’. To do so, a fortnight of literary conversations will be held with national and international writers, journalists and experts in the topics up for discussion (political, social and cultural).
The objective of this festival is to encourage reading and the dissemination of literature, bringing the writers closer to the general public through different activities scheduled during these ten days.
More than literature
These are just a few of the activities included in the festival:
-‘Mos maiorum (El costum dels avantpassats)’, theatre show hosted by the Antic Teatre company
-‘Quatre quarts’
-‘Lecturas encarnadas’, with Sílvia Bel and musician Miquel Jordà
– Round table discussions with authors at the “Vermouth hour”
-‘Narrar la delincuencia ordinaria’
-‘Periodistas en territorio de guerra’