Factoría Cultural, Vivero de Industrias Culturales in Matadero Madrid, is organising, for the third time together with the Banco Sabadell Foundation, a cycle of conferences that will take place on the first Thursday of every month throughout 2017, starting at 19:30 hours. The purpose of these conferences is to contribute to the training of young people by top professionals from the culture and innovation sectors. Chats will be streamed live here.
This afternoon, Rubén Ojeda, the events coordinator of Wikimedia Spain (Free Knowledge Association) which aims to promote cooperation platforms such as Wikipedia, Wiktionary and Wikinews, will talk about ‘Wikipedia: the knowledge revolution”.
Wikipedia, the collaborative encyclopaedia which was set up in 2001 and is available in almost 300 languages, offers a large amount of free information which can be accessed at all times and which is continuously updated. Its over 40 million articles (to date) cover everything about which humans have knowledge. These characteristics, amongst others, have made Wikipedia become the main reference when searching for information on the Internet, and it is the largest source of information of all times.