The Chairman of Banco Sabadell Foundation, Miquel Molins, has awarded the IV Premio Catalunya Europa S.XXI prize, promoted and organised by Fundación Catalunya Europa. The aim of this award is to recognise research studies orientated towards acknowledging and understanding the key challenges in the contemporary European Union.
The study that won this this year’s prize is ‘Of Spitzenkandidaten and European Leaders: The 2014 EP Presidential Campaign in the context of the EU legitimisation process’, by Francesco Camonita, who has a degree in International Relations from Swansea University (United Kingdom). His study consists of analysing the last European Spitzenkandidaten electoral campaign for Presidency, focusing on whether it will mark the start of a new democratic process for the European Union.
The ceremony was held on Thursday, March 31st at 12.00 at Aula Europa, the headquarters of European institutions in Barcelona, and attendees included: Javier Sola, Chairman of ESADE Center of Global Economy and Geopolitics; Carlos Carnero, Managing Director of Fundación Alternativas; and Carme Colomina, journalist at the Ara newspaper and associate researcher at CIDOB.