This autumn, the Escuela de Factoría Cultural in Murcia is offering a wide range of in-person and online courses aimed at encouraging training in areas such as innovation and creativity.
Factoría Escuela sees training as a process through which to develop knowledge, skills and abilities to create a sustainable business idea and make any project become a reality.
More information about some of the courses
Potencia tu creatividad (‘Enhance your Creativity’), a course aimed at everyone interested in design, education and problem-solving. Creativity is a mental state, a way of thinking and a proactive approach to find new solutions to common problems.
Introducción al marketing de las artes (‘Introduction to marketing art’), a course that will share the basic and vital tools for those responsible for promoting the arts to define strategies in the same way as other companies in order to help raise awareness of art.
Design Thinking: una aproximación (‘Design Thinking: an approximation’), the purpose of this course is to offer students an initial experience in creative approaches which is clear-cut and well-defined in the current context of hybridisation and a constantly changing social and business environment.
Big Data y microsegmentación de audiencias (‘Bid Data and the microsegmentation of audiences’), this course explores the origins of Big Data, when it is researched, what is it used for and how it can be used to identify groups with a variety of individuals with specific characteristics that could be considered ‘almost unique’ from within a crowded environment.Visual Thinking: diseño de mapas mentales, (‘Visual Thinking: designing mental mapping’) is a course to learn to use one of the most powerful organisation tools which is being used by large enterprises today: mental mapping. Mental mapping will allow you to structure your idea and visually illustrate your business plan.