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‘Correspondence’, three conversations on photography through: when, where and who

The programme will be extended throughout the year focusing on the following three topics:

– the ‘when’ in photography, giving emphasis to the concept of time that connects photography and history.

– the ‘where’, exploring the places where photography lives and how its meaning changes through various processes of re-contextualisation.

– the ‘who’; exploring various photographic practices from the point of view of the image maker.

The Foto Colectania Foundation  will carry out this programme online, which will last until the end of the year. Each section will last for two months, during which two experts in the field will conduct and moderate a dialogue with each other. It is a project that is included under the common theme, ‘Well, what is photography?’, and in which the Banco Sabadell Foundation is one of the main collaborators.


Schedule of the three sections and their participants


Participants: Abigail Solomon-Godeau and Æsa Sigurjónsdóttir

Duration: April-May

Publishing dates of each Correspondence: 7-14-21-28 April and 5-12-19-26 May

abigail solomon
abigail solomon
esa SIGURJONSDOTTIR-correspondencias-fotocolectania



Participants: Urs Stahel and Hester Keijser

Duration: June-July

Publishing dates of each Correspondence: 2-9-16-23-30 June and 7-14-21 de July

Urs Stahel
Urs Stahel


Hester Keijser
Hester Keijser



Participants: Joan Fontcuberta and Quentin Bajac

Duration: October-November

Publishing dates of each Correspondence: 6-13-20-27 October and 3-10-17-24 November

Joan Fontcuberta
Joan Fontcuberta
Geoffrey Batchen
Geoffrey Batchen